“I really enjoy your classes, your teaching style and YOGA is definitely something I want to keep practicing. Already I think that I am more flexible than I used to be and the breathing helps a lot in my everyday struggle with my three boys!! Thank you very much for being a very competent and entertaining instructor.”
Kripalu Yoga
For Your Body
• Stretches and tones muscles
• Releases chronic tension
• Improves circulation
• Energizes and refreshes
​For Your Mind
• Calms restless thoughts
• Cultivates concentration
• Supports mental clarity and confidence
• Promotes self-awareness

“A back injury left me in constant pain even with
moderate exercise at my gym. After my first class with Jim I was pain free for three days for the first time in months! I will be at the Men's class on Tuesday nights from now on."
-Irvin Zeidenberg
For Your Spirit
• Connects you to your Self
• Encourages self-acceptance
• Honors inner wisdom
• Invites deep stillness